by Noreen Doll.
Making creative gift wrap is fun, especially if you wrap presents to keep pinchers from guessing what is inside.
One person I know used a different wrapping paper for each member of her family, but that member’s gifts were all wrapped in the same paper. She put no names on them so no one was sure what belonged to who.

Another gal swapped names on the packages so that all packages with one member’s name actually went to another family member.
One of my neighbors used to keep my family gifts at her house, while I kept her family gifts at my house.
Usually as the holiday season approaches, I start saving the boxes from oatmeal, crackers, cookies, cereals, egg cartons, shoe boxes and wrapping paper tubes to use for gift wrapping.
After Christmas all these recycled boxes can be put in the recycling, and I don’t feel like I’ve wasted a lot of packaging.
There are many ways to wrap presents besides putting them in a box and taping paper around them.
You can use gift bags, unusual gift boxes, tin cans, paint cans, or almost anything that you can put something else inside of.
Look at these really unique ideas for creative gift wrap.
Ideas for beautiful and unusual gift decorations.
Easy ways to make your own package mailing wrap.
Great gift wrapping tips and frugal gift wrap ideas.
Learn gift wrapping techniques to make your gifts stand out.
Use fabric gift wrap and recycle.
Fun and creative gift wrapping ideas for special gifts.
Make your own gift bags using recyclable materials or wrapping paper.
Making gift wrap bags is easy and fun.
Use bags and bows to wrap gifts quickly and easily.
Not only is it less expensive to make your own gift boxes, you can make much nicer ones.
Make quick and easy gift wrap boxes.
Recycle old cards into greeting card gift boxes.
Use free printable gift wrap to wrap a present quickly.
For gift wrap in a snap, find great, quick ideas here.
Make your own easy CD gift wrap.
Learn how to gift wrap beautiful and unique presents.
Noreen Doll

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