by Noreen Doll.
Would you like an easy way to make your own package mailing wrap?
As we are mailing more and more things, and sending boxes becomes ever more expensive, padded envelopes have become a great alternative to boxes for mailing items.
Collected below are several good ideas for preparing your own bubble wrap envelope, plus a few other creative ideas for sending bulky items through the mail.
Some of the ideas help you recycle, as well.
Wrapping Paper Padded Envelope
Hot glue bubble wrap to the sides to make a wrapping paper padded envelope, and then stitch up the sides.
Scrapbook Bubble Wrap Envelope
Video tutorial for making a scrapbook bubble wrap envelope.
Make Your Own Bubble Wrap
Make your own bubble wrap with paper, bubble wrap and rubber cement.
Padded Envelope for Mailing
Use double sided tape to adhere bubble wrap, and to put the envelope edges together to make this padded envelope for mailing.
Green Recyclable Wrap for Mailing
For a green recyclable wrap, use brown craft paper and Water Activated Tape to make this simple package wrap for mailing.
Grocery Bag Wrap for Mailing
This grocery bag wrap for mailing is similar to the recycle wrap above.
Mailer Bag
Stitch this easy paper bag for mailing.
Noreen Doll

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