by Noreen Doll.
Use bags and bows to wrap gifts quickly and easily.
For quick, efficient and beautiful gift wrapping, bags and bows are all you really need.
You can buy new attractive bags or recycle bags so creatively that no one will suspect their lowly origin. Paper bags are particularly easy to repurpose into gift bags.
You can decorate them as they are, covering any logos with other colorful pictures or papers. Or you can turn them inside out so you have a fresh surface to use.
To cover logos, use fronts of gift cards you have received. Or attach colorful magazine pages or even newspaper comic strips.
Cut out shapes from book pages or old atlases to put on the bag front, and then layer other colorful shapes or embellishments on top.
You can make your own bows, or buy bags of them. 2 or 3 bows in different coordinating colors can make an attractive package.
How about painting a snowman on a bag, or making one with white uneven circles and using two bows of the same color for eyes or buttons.
Or use green bows on a brown paper bag in the shape of a Christmas tree, interspersing the green bows with colorful ones for ornaments, and topping it with a yellow bow for a star.Or use a paper yellow star.
Attach red bows in a wreath shape with a jaunty blue or green embellishment.
To close a decorated paper bag, fold over the top edge and punch 2 holes an inch or so apart in the center. Thread a pretty colorful ribbon through the holes and tie in a big bow.
To gift wrap frugally, buy lunch bags at a dollar store (usually 30 to 50 for $1). Bags of bows can also be purchased there for $1.
Use tissue paper pompoms in place of bows. They can be made any size or color, and colorful tissue paper can be found very inexpensively in the dollar stores.
And if you really prefer to just purchase your gift bags and bows, I have seen some really nice ones in the dollar stores. So make the dollar store your friend and practice your creativity to make some one of a kind gift packaging.
Noreen Doll

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