Flowers, eggs, bunnies and chicks make great preschool Easter crafts.
Here are lots of Easter craft ideas, many of which can use recycled cardboard, cups, and cans. Save your cereal and cracker boxes for making these crafts, and let your preschoolers paint them in the colors you need.
Glue cotton balls to make a fluffy Paper Plate Pop Up Bunny.

Easter Egg Games for Toddlers would also be fun for preschoolers.

Use a plastic egg to create a cute Hatching Chick.

Kicky Chickie Finger Puppet would make a fun Easter basket add in. Or package the parts for preschoolers to make their own.

Create a fun Bunny Hop Finger Puppet to use with Chickie.

Make a fun and easy Peek a Boo Peep with craft foam.

Preschoolers can make a Paper Plate Easter Wreath with just a little help.

Make fun and easy Rockin’ Peeps. Great classroom project!

Preschoolers will love making and wearing an Easter Egg Necklace made from hollow colored eggs.

Create this fun easy Hatching Chick.

Make an Easter Egg Busy Bag to entertain little ones, or add to an Easter basket.

Learn to match while playing fun Easter Dominoes.

For more fun preschool Easter crafts, see preschool Easter bunny crafts and Easter egg crafts.
Tweet Nest
Using brown yarn and glue, wrap half of a partly inflated balloon, and let dry. Deflate balloon and add eggs or candy eggs to your tweet nest.
Peek-A-Boo Eggs
Craft fun peek-a-boo eggs using recycled cardboard. Make a cardboard egg, decorate and cut apart. Add chick behind and open hinged top to see chick.
Easter Basket from a Cereal Box
Kids can have fun decorating their own Easter Basket from a Cereal Box.

Recycled Easter Basket
To make a recycled Easter basket, cut off the bottom of a 2 liter soda bottle, decorate with Easter designs, and add a pipe cleaner handle.
Fruit Bunnies
Preschoolers can be creative making fruit bunnies with apples and oranges, and using candy fruit slices and jelly beans for the features.
Paper Plate Easter Wall Hanging
Make a chick, bunny, and flower from paper plates and use them to make this paper plate Easter wall hanging.
Easter Basket, Bunny, & Eggs Templates
Preschoolers can cut out the shapes and stitch the basket together with simple stitches. Color and decorate this Easter basket, bunny, & eggs.
Chick and Bunny Baskets
Young crafters will love making some chick and bunny baskets. And they can make a few extra chicks, too.
Bunny and Chick Cups
Preschoolers can craft bunny and chick cups with paper cups, craft foam and construction paper.
Paper Plate Bunny and Chick
Use paper plates to make this super cute paper plate bunny and chick.
Craft Stick Chick
Paint a craft stick yellow and add feathers, features and a ribbon to make a craft stick chick.
Colorful Clucking Chickens
Color paper and cut into triangles to make colorful clucking chickens. Add pipecleaner legs and tissue paper wings and crown.
Simple Chick Craft
Make a simple chick craft and give preschoolers a chance to practice cutting, coloring, and glueing. You need paper, feathers and crayons.
Paper Rocking Chick
Print out this rocking chick for your child to cut out and assemble.
Plastic Cup Easter Chick
Preschoolers can easily make a plastic cup Easter chick using felt for the features.
Pom Pom Easter Chick
With pom poms and fun foam, you make these cute pom pom Easter chicks.
Easter Chick Thumbprints
Make some really cute Easter chick thumbprints. Great for Easter cards or letters, bookmarks, or wrapping paper.
Chicken Mask
This chicken mask is made with cardboard and pipe cleaners.
Easter Bonnet
With a paper bowl, artificial flowers, ribbon, and buttons, preschoolers can craft an Easter bonnet.
Spring Bracelet
Kids will like making a spring bracelet with craft foam strips and shapes. They can also add buttons or sequins.
Felt Bunny Pins
Cut felt egg shapes for preschoolers to decorate with felt scraps and a bunny for this felt bunny pin. Add a pin back.
Paper Mache Egg
You can have fun with your kids making a paper mache egg and adding bunnies, chicks and grass.
Plastic Egg Garland
Lay ribbon across an open plastic egg, then close the egg on the ribbon. String beads between the eggs as you add more eggs to make this plastic egg garland.
Foam Egg Garland
Buy or cut lots of foam egg shapes. Let your child add stickers to the eggs or color with markers. Attach eggs to ribbon with masking tape or punch holes in eggs and thread on ribbon to hang your foam egg garland.
Easter Egg Wreath
For an Easter egg wreath, cut the center out of a paper plate and glue multi colored egg shapes around it till it’s covered. Use crayons, markers or stickers to decorate the eggs.
Transparent Eggs
Kids add craft materials to contact paper in an egg shape, then cover with another piece of contact paper to make transparent eggs.
Egg Cup Flowers
Paint egg carton cups pretty colors and insert pipe cleaners for stems. Put a few egg cup flowers together in a painted paper cup or recycled tin can.
Egg Carton Birds
Create all kinds of egg carton birds with paint, glue and egg cartons.
Easter Tic Tac Toe
Craft an Easter Tic Tac Toe game with cardboard, popsicle sticks, and decorated craft foam eggs. Or make bunnies and chicks for playing pieces.
Easter Rattle Snake
If you have lots of plastic Easter eggs, making an Easter rattle snake is a great idea. Drill a hole in the end of each egg half and let your preschooler string the eggs on a length of rope.
Egg Bugs
Make egg bugs with plastic eggs, pipe cleaners, stickers, and markers.
Easter Finger Puppets
Craft fun and easy Easter finger puppets using pom poms, pipe cleaners and wiggly eyes.
Flower Clothespin Magnets
Kids can paint clothespins, then add pre-cut foam shapes to the top and a magnet to the bottom to make flower clothespin magnets.
Preschool Easter Crafts
There are no photos here, but lots of Easter crafts ideas.
Noreen Doll

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