Halloween crafts have become one of the most popular areas for crafting.
Making your own homemade Halloween projects is fun and the results can be much nicer than what you find in a store.
All of the crafts ideas on this site are free. You do, of course, have to provide the materials for making them.
But if you shop holiday sales and craft sales you can save money.
And many of these crafts use recycled materials and things you already have on hand.
These will require a small amount of supplies and a minimum amount of time to put together.
The projects on this page require a little more time and effort than most of the other, easy craft ideas – but the results will be worth it.
If you like to go all out for Halloween and make a one-of-a-kind scene, look here for ideas.
Lots of fun and easy toddler Halloween crafts.
Halloween Crafts for Preschoolers
Young children also love to craft, and many Halloween projects can be found here.
Older kids will be able to use and alter some of these ideas for Halloween projects, as well.
Older kids like to craft, too, and you will find many easy projects on this page.
Some of these crafts may be adaptable for preschoolers also.
Fun clever ideas for making your own Halloween Jewelry.
Easy and fun Kids Halloween Treats to make.
Let your kids help make these easy Homemade Halloween Treats.
For lots of clever and fun to make Halloween treats containers, check out these ideas.
Here are some Halloween countdown calendar ideas to help youngsters count down the days until Halloween.
Several ideas for different kinds of Halloween wreaths from cute to creepy are here.
Pumpkins crafts and Jack-o-Lanterns can be found on this page.
You can find ideas for making them from all kinds of materials, and tutorials from easy to difficult.
A pumpkin topiary makes a perfect Halloween centerpiece, and you will find several ideas here.
Noreen Doll
Martha Scherer says
I am looking for a flying ghost made from white garbage bag flying on a stick
Noreen says
These are the only ghosts on this site that fit that description. Perhaps you can combine the ideas to get what you are looking for. Good luck.