Your young child will enjoy this opportunity to help get ready for Halloween with toddler Halloween crafts.
Let your youngster help you decide what projects he/she would like to make, and have fun with these great holiday projects.
You can find pumpkin crafts for toddlers here.
Paper Plate Cat and Spider
Craft this fun paper plate cat and spider with black plates and construction paper.
Spider Craft
To make this spider craft, paint a styrofoam ball black and add pipe cleaner legs and lots of google eyes.
Foam Ball Spider
Paint a foam ball black and add felt eyes. Finish by adding long spidery pipe cleaner legs to your foam ball spider.
Thumb Print Spiders
Let your child dip his/her thumb in black paint and make thumb prints on paper. Your help may be needed in adding legs to the thumb print spiders.
Halloween Wreath
Make a Halloween wreath. Cut construction paper strips in Halloween colors and let your child glue them into rings. Glue onto a paper plate with the middle cut out. Add a plastic spider hanging down.
Clothespin Bats
Create clothespin bats. Cut out (or help your toddler cut out) some black bats. Your toddler can paint clothespins black and decorate the bat. Glue bat to clothespin.
Noreen Doll

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