By Noreen Doll.
Create a simple milk jug toss game that will keep little ones happily occupied.
Preschoolers can play by themselves to see how many pompoms they can throw in through the mouth. Or they can play with friends to see who can throw the most pompoms in.
Older kids can use it, too. Just make the mouth smaller and have them stand farther away.
Even toddlers can have fun with it. Use pompoms a little larger than the top opening, and they can push the pompoms in through the top and retrieve them from the mouth.
Let your kids draw the face.
Milk Jug
Colorful Pompoms
Knife or Scissors
How to Make a Milk Jug Toss Game.
Tips for using milk jugs in crafting.
1. Remove the label from a milk jug and wash the jug.
2. With the handle facing away from you to the back of the jug, draw a set of eyes.
Underneath the eyes draw a large area for the open mouth.
3. Use a knife or scissors point to pierce the plastic inside the mouth, and then cut away the plastic inside that area.
3. Color the black area around the mouth a little thicker, so it is more easily seen.
Gather your pompoms and start throwing them at the milk jug toss game.
© Noreen Doll

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