By Noreen Doll.
Here’s an easy way to hide paint drips when you’re painting.
Our kitchen / dining room has a lot of brown trim in it, including a chair rail that goes around the dining room walls.
Recently we painted the ceiling and walls, and while doing the ceiling, several drops of paint dripped onto the wood trim.
By the time we noticed the paint drips, they were pretty firmly attached to the wood.
So we found a Sharpie that was the same color as the wood and colored over the white spots.
We just applied a little of the brown color and rubbed it on with a finger to help spread it and make it less obvious.
In no time, the paint drips were completely invisible.
You can use this idea on any color of paint when you need to hide something. Just pick a Sharpie that’s closest in color to the paint you want to match.
Rubbing with your finger after you use the Sharpie seems to help work the color in and make it match better.
We covered up the long splotch, too, after I took the photo. I left it there for the last photo so you could see where the drips had been.
For more great painting tips, see Cheap Amateur Painting Tips.

© Noreen Doll

Mrs. Lopez says
great idea!
Mrs. Lopez
LydiaF says
I’ve seen similar tips for fixing scratches on wood, but never thought about doing it to hide paint drips. Clever!
Deborah says
Great tip! I found you at The Blackberry Vine. Have a great week!
Becky @ Read My Chicken Scratch says
Great idea! I’m the messiest painter ever, so I need tips like this.
Rony says
Fantastic..!! It is really helpful for me because recently I have shifted to my new house and this idea will help me a lot to decorate my house..!!
Krystie says
Great tip! Sharpies have so many colors you are bond to find the perfect match!
Amy Perdew says
That is a bright idea. I have the same issue and never thought about that option. Another great idea.
Suzie says
Oh yeah… This is MY kind of fix! Thanks for sharing it!
jamie says
great idea!!! thanks for the tip
Linda says
Really great idea!! Thanks for sharing at TTF!
Kathryn says
How crafty! Just popped over from Thrifty Thursday and I’m glad I did!
Rhonda says
I use sharpies on my shoes when they get scuffed on the heels or toes! I’ve even used them to cover a bleach spot on a black shirt. Love Sharpies!!
Lanaya says
I use sharpies all the time! On my shoes too … it’s been a while because I usually wear flip flops and sandals but it’s such a great idea!
Thank you.
Lanaya | xoxo
becolorful says
So smart. 😀
Diane says
Love this idea. Thanks so much for sharing this simple trick at The Gathering Spot. You are being featured! Congratulations!!!
Diana Rambles says
Great idea!
Shannah says
This is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing.
Sara says
Thanks again for sharing on my blog!
Sande Sivani says
The gang over at My Personal Accent, think your post about the Easy Way to Hide Paint Drips is simply TERRIFIC! We would like to invite you to share more of your creative ideas. Come on over!!
Kristine says
Susie @Bowdabra says
What a good cover up 🙂 Great job and thanks for linking it up in the Bowdabra Crafty Showcase!
Have a super week,
Susie @Bowdabra
Cynthia Carpenter says
I use a microfiber cloth – I’ve found they will remove almost everything! Even really old dried on paint.
Noreen says
Thanks… that’s good to know!