By Noreen Doll.
This is a notepad I carry wherever I go.
However, after I’ve carried the notepad for a while, the cover begins to tear loose. Once it falls off the papers inside tear easily and it’s not very useful anymore.
So I decided to make DIY plastic protective notepad covers to help preserve the original covers.
I find it’s very handy to carry a small notebook for jotting down all kinds of information.
I can use it for measurements I need to have with me, or use it to note information in a store that I want to remember when I get home.
It’s great for recording prices of things, making a quick drawing of something I want to create, dates I need to remember, and even to entertain a small child by letting him / her draw in it.
I had some plastic dividers that had been in a 3 ring binder but were no longer needed.
I decided the dividers would be perfect for making covers to go over the front and back of the notepad to protect the original covers, but wouldn’t tear off like the cardboard covers did.
Now my notepads stay in great condition and last until I’ve used all the paper.
Small Spiral Notebook
Flexible Plastic such as the side of a milk jug, notebook divider, or plastic packaging
Paper Punch
Black Sharpie
DIY Plastic Protective Notepad Covers How-to.
1. Remove the spiral from the notebook.
2. Carefully lift the top cover off the notepad and lay it on the sheet of plastic.
For front and back notepad covers, make 2 tracings around the top notepad cover on the flexible plastic. Cut out both pieces.
3. Using the notepad cover, mark the holes on one end of both plastic pieces where the coil will go.
4. Punch all the holes in the plastic covers with a 1/8 inch size hole punch.
5. Layer the notepad starting with a plastic cover on the bottom, then the back of the notepad, next all the sheets of paper, then the front notepad cover, and on top the other plastic cover.
Line up all the holes and thread the coil back through all the pieces.
You may have to bend one end of the spiral
to be able to work it through the holes.
Be sure to bend it back after you reinsert the spiral.
This would be a great way to use milk jug plastic.
Noreen Doll

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