Preschool Christmas crafts are wonderful for youngsters to make. It gives them a chance to feel involved at Christmas.
Paper Plate Pop Up Christmas Tree Tutorial
Some things kids make are special because they have the child’s hand or foot print… others because of the love that was put into them.
I have a wonderful collection of gifts made for me by chrished family members, that I would not part with.
Enjoy making these preschool Christmas crafts with your youngster.
Santa Advent Calendar
To make this an Santa Advent calendar, use 24 cotton balls and have your child add 1 cotton ball to Santa’s beard each day until Christmas.
Fun Foam Snowman
Young children will enjoy making this easy snowman that uses craft foam, plus a black marker for face and buttons.
Recycled Grocery Bag Snowman
Kids can very easily make this quick snowman, who is even stuffed with grocery bags.
Little Christmas Tree
This little Christmas Tree is easily made with a craft stick, green pipe cleaners and beads.
Paper Cup Tree
You will need 10 paper cups, a pair of scissors, a small dowel and some clay to make this Christmas tree. Cut the cup in strips from the top and curl them back. You can sharpen the dowel in a pencil sharpener to make a point.
Gumdrop Tree
Use a styrofoam cone, toothpicks and gumdrops to make this colorful tree. Be on hand to make sure your child uses the toothpicks safely.
Candy Tree
A pipe cleaner curled and stuck in a chocolate candy makes this tree For peanut allergy kids you could use a large gumdrop.
Pony Bead Wreath
Little ones can easily fashion a pony bead wreath by stringing pony beads on a pipe cleaner. Tie a ribbon at the top.
Preschool Christmas Wreath
An easy to make Christmas wreath – cut the center out of a paper plate and paint it green. Add red paint berries, red buttons or red pom poms and a big red bow to finish.
Christmas Wreath
Cut out many holly leaves in various shades of green felt or craft foam. Kids can glue them on a cardboard ring and add red pom poms on top for berries to make a Christmas wreath.
Heart Angels
This cute angel craft is perfect for toddlers or preschoolers. All you need is paper and markers – and any embellishments you like.
Reindeer Face
Use a child’s foot and hand prints to make this reindeer face that can then be colored.
Paper Plate Rudolph
Paint paper plates brown and add some brown construction paper legs and brown pipe cleaner antlers to make this paper plate Rudolph.
Preschool Christmas Cards
Some clever ideas that preschoolers can use to make nice Christmas cards.
Pom Pom Garland
Gather up all your leftover pompoms and let your youngster string them to make a colorful garland.
Christmas Paper Garland
Use Christmas wrapping paper scraps or old Christmas cards to make the shapes for this Christmas garland.
For more preschool Christmas crafts look at Kids Christmas Crafts.
Noreen Doll
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