These paper Advent calendars are made of paper or cardboard. There are a few that are printable. Most are easy to make.
You might even want your kids to help you make them, or to help make ornaments if you are going to use them.
For matchbook calendars, you can find 10 or 12 small matchboxes for $1 at Dollar Tree.
Paper Advent calendars are so easy to make, you can have more than one.
Santa Advent Calendar
Download this Santa face, color it and add 1 cotton ball every day until Christmas with this Santa Advent calendar.
Paper Pouch Advent Calendar
Quickly stitch and decorate 24 little paper pouches to make this paper pouch Advent calendar.
Recycled Advent Calendar
A recycled advent calendar using recycled Christmas cards and a brown paper shopping bag turned out very well.
Jan Brett Advent Calendar
This printable Jan Brett Advent calendar can be downloaded and put togehter. She has such cute little animals.
Banner Advent Calendar
Use construction paper and a 4 1/2 foot length of 2 inch wide tape to make this banner Advent calendar.
Christmas Advent Tree
Attach colored paper strips and decorated metal tins to a styrofoam cone to make this Christmas Advent Tree.
Gumball Santa Countdown
For a gumball Santa countdown add a string of gumballs to a paper gumball machine with Santa on it. Make one of craft foam and you can use it again.
Christmas Countdown Calendar
Make this Christmas countdown calendar with drink coasters. If you don’t have the tool to add a spiral, punch 4 holes and add rings from the stationery counter.
Envelope Countdown Calendar
Decorate 24 envelopes to hold treats or activity ideas. Kids could decorate the envelopes for this envelope countdown calendar.
Paper Cup Countdown Calendar
Fill 24 paper cups with leftover Halloween candy and glue numbered paper over the top to cover the candy to make this paper cup countdown calendar.
Christmas Activity Garland
Write a holiday activity for each ring on your Christmas activity garland, and do each one as you remove that ring. It will help keep your kids busy while waiting for Christmas
Advent Calendar
Use a frame and small wrapped boxes to make this Advent calendar.
Gum Advent Calendar
Number the little squares of hard shell gum in 2 packs to make this pocket gum Advent Calendar. Creative!
Cone Advent Calendar
Make paper cones and hang numbered tags on them for this cone Advent Calendar.
Advent Envelope Book
This Advent envelope book has 24 pages to fill with activity ideas or small gifts.
Teddy Bear Advent Calendar
Print this Teddy Bear Advent calendar, and your child can color one section every day.
Origami Snowman Calendar
Print out 24 of these snowmen, and cut and shape them to make an origami snowman calendar.
Advent Calendar Town
Ideas and printable patterns can be found to make an Advent calendar town, with different kinds of buildings.
Matchbox Christmas Tree Advent
Cover small matchboxes with decorative paper and stack to look like a matchbox Christmas tree Advent.
Matchbox Christmas Tree Advent
This tree shaped matchbox Christmas tree Advent has a great tutorial with detailed tips.
Matchbox Advent Garland
Cover matchboxes with colorful paper and hang as a matchbox Advent garland.
Matchbox Christmas Advent
This matchbox Christmas Advent is well made and beautifully decorated.
TP Tube Advent Calendar
Close one end of a TP tube for the bottom, decorate the tube and frill the open top and your TP tube Advent calendar is finished. Add small gifts in the top.
Advent Countdown
There are no instructions for this Advent countdown, but all you do is put a treat inside a bit of tissue paper and stuff it in a numbered, decorated toilet paper tube. Easy, easy.
Involve your whole family in making paper Advent calendars.
Noreen Doll

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