By Noreen Doll.
Note paper toddlers can make for Mom is a fun and easy Mothers Day gift for toddlers to create.
This particular set of note paper toddlers can make for Mom was made for a Mom who loves green, trees, and leaves. She loves this notepaper so much that she uses them very stingily because she can’t bear to part with them.
These stamped sheets can be made into a memo pad, note card set, or stationery sheets. Plan ahead for how you want the end result, and then cut the paper to size before your youngster stamps it.
There are many ways your child can decorate a set. They can stamp like the set above, color with crayons or markers, add stickers, make cute thumb print designs, finger paint, or any other way you can think of that a small child can decorate a piece of paper.
A large piece of paper can be finger painted, and after it is dry can be cut into the smaller size pieces needed for note paper toddlers can make for Mom for a Mothers Day gift.
The above set was done with various sizes of paper because the Mom wanted them for different lengths of notes she might wish to write.
These memo sheets or note cards are so quick and easy to make, your child can easily do several of them.
Have fun creating this special gift of note paper toddlers can make for Mom, with your child, knowing that the recipient will love receiving it.
And, as always when working with very young children, have everything ready to go before the child is ready to start.
What You Need
Paper – cut to the size needed for your project
Stamp Pad & Stamps
Finger Paint
Crayons or Markers
Envelopes, if needed for Note Cards or Stationery
What You Do
For this project I’m going to show how to make the sheets for notes, memos, or stationery.
1. Cut the sheets to the size you need for the notes. If you are going to pad them, they will all need to be the same size.
Using colored sheets for stationery is very nice. You can cut an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper in half for a nice size page for stationery.
2. Lay out 6 or 8 sheets and explain to your child that he/she needs to stamp each one once. If a sheet gets more than one stamp, it won’t hurt.
It doesn’t matter where on the sheet the stamp lands, Mom or Grandma is going to love it anyway! That’s part of the charm of gifts made by little ones.
3. As soon as a sheet is stamped, move it away to dry and put a clean one in it’s place.
4. After they are all stamped, place them in a note card box (with envelopes if they are being used as stationery).
The box can be stamped with the same stamp to pull it all together as a set. Most kids will stamp all over the box if given the least encouragement!
5. Tie the box with a pretty ribbon and give it to Mom for a Mothers Day gift.
Note Card Variation
1. Cut card stock to size. A good size to use is made by cutting an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of card stock in half. Fold the half sheet in half to make the note card.
2. Have the youngster decorate the front of the note card. It might be fun to put their thumb or fingerprint on the back where the copyright mark goes.
3. Stack the note cards on top of a stack of envelopes in a box sized to fit. The box may be decorated to match the note cards.
Noreen Doll.

Julie Bagamary says
Nice – I did this with my kids when they were young too.
Doni says
Another great idea! I love it when kids can be creative and yet not destroy a room with their craftiness!! Thanks so much for sharing this great idea for the Pearls and Lace party!
Blessings, Doni
Melanie says
What a neat craft for kids! So glad you linked to Things I’ve Done Thursday!
Amber says
Such a cute idea! I am going to have my kids make these for the grandmas for Mother’s Day! Found you by way of Flamingo Toes! Have a blessed Sunday!
Linda says
Isn’t this a cute craft! Good idea! I pinned this. Thanks, Linda
Pinkoddy says
We have had mothers day here in the UK already but a nice idea.
Emily says
This is a super cute idea. And any mom would love it. I know I would 😉
Rose says
Thanks for sharing this great idea with us at The Sunday Round Up.
Kayla says
I really love this idea- it would be perfect for elementary school kids in a classroom as well- paper is a cheap craft material, especially when you can make it into something this beautiful! I imagine making a whole pad, clamping them together and mod podging the top with several layers of mod podge. That way it would be a tear off pad perfect for Mommy’s desk! If you’re not too busy, I’d love if you would come link up to Sweet Sharing Monday!
Cathy@My1929Charmer says
Really cute idea, and you always come up with good ones. A great gift idea. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday’s Best!
Chelsea Ward says
Such a sweet idea. And there are infinite ways to do this too!
creativejewishmom/sara says
That is just brilliant, and sweet too! How about a few with finger prints? Thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!
Christine says
This is absolutely wonderful!!!! Great and unique idea!! Love the idea of adding a thumb print too!!
Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer… From Dream To Reality!!
Carrie says
What a great idea. My 3-year-old would cover each page with all the stamps and some finger prints though. Oh, well. It would be her original work, right? Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! I hope you are having a fabulous week!
Claire @ Polkadot~pretties says
Thank you for linking up this fabulous project!!!
This week’s Linky Party is up!!!!
I hope you will stop by an link up another lovely project..
Claire x
BeColorful says
Adorable and do-able. Thanks for sharing this week on BeColorful
Kim says
This is such a great idea, I have a few stamps laying around, I think I’ll have my daughter make some note card sets for her grandma! Thanks for sharing with us at tip toe thru tuesday!
Susie says
What an awesome project! Stop by again to share some more cool projects!
Have a great week!