By Noreen Doll.
These gingersnaps are an old family favorite, although we like them soft and chewy rather than crisp.
They have a wonderful spicy flavor and don’t last long when we make them.
You can tell this recipe card is 4 or 5 decades old.
I finally covered it on both sides with packing tape to preserve it.
I usually double or triple this recipe when I make gingersnaps.
Cream until fluffy:
3/4 Cup Shortening (Crisco)
3/4 Cup Sugar
Add and Beat:
1 Egg
1/4 Cup Molasses
Mix In:
2 Cups Flour
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
2 Teaspoons Baking Soda
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Cloves
1 Teaspoon Ginger
Put some sugar in a shallow dish.
The dough should not be too sticky to roll into a ball between your hands.
Roll into balls and flatten slightly in the sugar in the dish.
Place balls 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 6 to 8 minutes at 375 degrees until lightly browned on the bottom.
If you want the cookies to be chewy, they need to be slightly under cooked. Turn one cookie over to see how brown the bottom is.
This is how the bottom of the cookie should look if you want the cookie chewy.
If you want the cookies crisp, they will be darker on the bottom.
You need to really keep an eye on the cookies after 5 minutes of baking, and check them about every minute.
Remove the cookies from the cookie sheet and place them on paper towels that are laid on top of a tea towel.
Turn the pan around about halfway through baking so the cookies will bake evenly.
Noreen Doll
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