By Noreen Doll.
This gingerbread man wreath is a great craft to make with kids. And it recycles brown paper grocery bags.
Or you could make it from brown kraft paper or brown paper packaging material.
Instead of buying gingerbread man ornaments, as I did, you can make gingerbread men with the kids.
Gingerbread men can be made from brown paper bags and stuffed with cotton, as shrinkies, or from the gingerbread man dough that is used for making ornaments.
They can also be cut from craft clay, craft foam, or brown cardboard.
There is lots of room for creativity when making and decorating gingerbread men or girls.
Brown Paper Bag Wreath
Gingerbread Men and Women
Ribbon or Crepe Paper: Red, White, and Green
Hot Glue (Adults should supervise use of this.)
How to Make a Gingerbread Man Wreath from a Brown Paper Grocery Bag.
Instructions for making a basic brown paper bag wreath.
1. Attach one end of the white ribbon to the back of the wreath using hot glue or tape.
Wrap the white ribbon all the way around the wreath. I wrapped it around twice to better cover the brown of the wreath.
Cut off the white ribbon and attach the end to the back of the wreath.
2. Attach one end of the red ribbon to the back of the wreath.
Wrap the red ribbon around the wreath over the white ribbon leaving spaces for the white ribbon to show through.
I folded the crepe paper in half lengthwise to make a narrower ribbon.
Cut off the red ribbon and attach the end to the back of the wreath.
3. Make a bow with the green ribbon.
4. Place the gingerbread men and the bow on the wreath and move them around until you are satisfied with the placement.
Use hot glue to attach the gingerbread men and the bow to the wreath.
I found rolls of 1 3/4 inch wide crepe paper ribbon at the Dollar Store.
Instead of gingerbread men, you could spray Teddy Grahams with clear spray, but be sure to warn kids NOT to eat them.
Noreen Doll

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