By Noreen Doll.
Create a fun shamrock paper chain with a few folds and snips.
Remember how much fun it was to make paper chains when you were a kid?
Here’s an easy idea for a fun shamrock paper chain.
You can make a bunch, tape them together, and string them across a room.
Get all the kids to help with the folding and cutting, and you will soon have enough to decorate any room.
Green Paper
Cardboard Pattern, optional
How to Make a Shamrock Paper Chain.
1. Cut a sheet of paper into a strip that’s wide enough for the size shamrock you want to make.
I used tissue paper for this chain. My paper strip is 3 inches wide and 20 inches long.
2. Fan fold the paper strip into folds just wide enough for the shamrock to fit all the way to both edges.
3. Lay the shamrock pattern on the folded strip and draw around it.
Make sure there are places on the folds on both sides that you don’t cut off – so the shamrocks will stay connected.
4. Cut out the shamrock.
5. Gently open the shamrock paper chain.
And here’s a close up view.
This is a paper chain made with scrapbooking paper.
Green paper left over from Christmas would make a great shamrock paper chain, too.
© Noreen Doll

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