This easy rockin’ cardinal would be fun hanging from a tree branch – or stand him up and let him rock.
It could also be used as a greeting card or note card.
Or make several small ones to hang on a Christmas tree.
If you are making it with kids, make cardboard patterns from cereal boxes for the kids to trace around.
Make them in all sizes.
Red Card Stock
Card Stock Scraps: black, yellow
2 Wiggly Eyes
Pencil Scissors
Scrap Paper
Double Sided Tape or Glue
How to Make an Easy Rockin’ Cardinal.
1. Draw a circle on a piece of paper.
I used a plastic lid that was about 4 inches in diameter.
Fold the circle in half.
2. Fold a sheet of paper in half and lay the fold of the circle on the fold of the paper.
Draw around the half circle, and then draw a tail, as shown.
This will be your pattern.
This is what it looks like when you unfold it.
3. Fold a piece of red card stock in half, place the pattern fold on the card stock fold,
and trace the half circle and tail on it.
4. Cut out the red shape.
5. Draw the shape of the black that is on the cardinal’s face.
Trace it on some black card stock or construction paper and cut it out.
6. Draw the cardinal’s top knot on a red scrap of card stock. Allow a little extra on the bottom to attach to the top of the cardinal’s head.
Cut it out.
7. Draw a beak on yellow card stock. Add a little extra at the wide end to attach to the cardinal’s head.
Cut it out.
8. Use glue or double sided tape to attach the black piece to the cardinal’s face.
Glue the eye on the black part as shown.
9. Glue or tape the beak just inside the circle on the front of the cardinal’s head.
10. Attach the bottom of the top knot slightly overlapping the back of the top of the cardinal’s head.
Open the circle a little to set the cardinal up.
I just attached the beak to the front part of the cardinal, but you could make 2 beak pieces and attach one to the inside of each half of the circle.
If you are going to put eyes on both sides, open the cardinal and lay it flat so you can add the second eye and black part evenly with the first one.
You could punch a small hole in the middle of the folded edge and use a thread or fishing line to hang the cardinal on a tree branch.
Make the cardinals in different sizes.
Noreen Doll.

JaneEllen says
Doggone it wish had more time would make several of these wonderful cardinals for gifts and our tree. Really love them. What a great idea.
My time for holiday crafting ends on 12/6 as on 12/7 I will be getting my right shoulder replaced. Not looking forward to it but has to be done. So my crafting which is usually so busy this time of year won’t be this year. Ah well there are years after this.
This is great project. Have so much to get ready for since I won’t be able to do much of anything after surgery. Think was lots easier when I had knees replaced in 2008/2009. At least could still make things sitting on couch.
Will you be making lots of these wonderful cardinals for your tree or as gifts?
Hope you have wonderful and peaceful,loving Thanksgiving.
Noreen says
JaneEllen, I’m sorry you need surgery on your shoulder. Hope all goes well and you’ll soon be back to crafting.
Michele says
That is just TOO CUTE – what a darling idea. Thanks!!!
Emma says
I just love this! Cardinals are one of my favorite birds – and this one will look awesome one a tree!
creativejewishmom/sara says
He is really great, no cardinals around here, but we have seen them up close….so my kids would enjoy this one too! thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!
Karen @ Raising Little Superheroes says
These would be so cute on a Christmas wreath on a front door. Thank you for sharing at the #Made4Kids Link Party!