Create easy kindergarden graduation crafts.
Many kindergartens and preschools now have graduation ceremonies when the children move on to elementary school.
Use these clever ideas for making a fun festive time the youngsters will remember.
Kindergarden graduation gifts and celebration ideas.
Mini Graduation Cap
Craft a mini graduation cap with an egg carton cup and a 4 or 5 inch cardboard square. Paint it the school colors.
Graduation Caps
Create kids graduation caps with black foam core and poster board.
Fruit Loop Graduation Cap
Craft a graduation cap with a plastic bowl, a piece of card stock, and strings of Fruit Loops for the tassel.
Kindergarten Graduation Celebration Ideas
Try some of these fun kindergarten graduation celebration ideas for your little one.
More kid graduation party ideas fun.
Graduation Craft Fun
Fun ideas for graduation crafts for kids.
Graduation Gift Ideas
Graduation gift ideas for young kids.
Graduation Treat Pops
Fun graduation treat pops for kindergarden.
Push Pop Graduation Cap
Make graduation caps for Push Pops.
Graduation Pretzel Pencils
Make fun pretzel pencils for graduating kindergarteners.
Printable Graduation Sign
Use this easy printable graduation sign.
Noreen Doll

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