By Noreen Doll.
A greeting card sour cream box is another gift box that can be made from a recycled card.
Basically you glue or tape the two open edges together to make a tube, and then close both ends. Turning the tube halfway before closing the top edge gives the gift box an interesting look.
To close the bottom edge of the greeting card sour cream box, you can either tape and crimp it, or do as I did and put brads or eyelets across it.
These are also boxes that can be made ahead and stored flat until you are ready to use them.
What You Need
Greeting Card
Double Sided Tape or Glue
Brads or Eyelets
Ribbon to Close the Top
What You Do
1. Decide how large you want your gift box and cut the excess off the edge where the card opens.
2. Measure and score 1/2 inch from the edge on the front of the card. Fold toward the inside of the card.
3. Draw a light line along the score fold onto the card back and cut off this excess 1/2 inch.
4. Put 2 rows of double sided tape on the 1/2 inch folded edge, on the side where it will meet the card back.
5. If you decide to tape and crimp the tube bottom, you will also need to put two rows of double sided tape along the bottom edge on the inside card back.
6. Press the taped edges together firmly. Rub the scoring tool along the edges to help it adhere better.
7. If you taped the bottom, now is the time to crimp it for about an inch up from the bottom.
8. For an uncrimped edge, measure 3 evenly spaced holes across the bottom (or more than 3 holes if the box is wider).
9. Lay the bottom edge on a spongy surface (I use a fat green school eraser) and punch small holes with an ice pick or other sharp object.
10. Attach a brad or eyelet in each hole you just punched across the bottom edge.
11. Turn the tube over halfway and gently pinch the top edges together. Punch a hole in the center to tie the ribbon through.
You can make the greeting card sour cream box wider, in which case you would probably want to put 4 brads across the bottom.
Another good surface to use when punching holes is a magazine.
Noreen Doll

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