By Noreen Doll.
A friend who had just moved into a new (to her) house asked me if there was any easy way to clean blinds that had accumulated grime over the years.
I suggested we try hanging them outside on the clothesline to clean them.
After they were hung, we hosed them down from side to side, starting at the top, with a hard stream of water from the hose.
We hosed both sides.
After a few minutes, using Simple Green, we sprayed them from side to side starting at the top. Again we sprayed both sides.
We let the Simple Green sit on them for a few minutes and then hosed both sides down again.
We couldn’t believe the difference! They looked like new blinds.
It took about 15 minutes and hardly any effort at all to clean the blinds.
We left them on the clothesline to dry and then replaced them in the windows.
If you don’t have a clothesline, you could lay them out on the grass (green grass, not dry grass) and do one side at a time.
You could hang them from a swing set, kid’s fort, or from a back yard ramada or patio cover.
Donna left a comment below that she lives in an apartment with no access to a clothesline, and she wondered if there was a way for her to clean her blinds.
I had a light bulb moment! Could you buy an extra (cheap) removable type shower rod to install across the center part of your bathtub or shower. You could then hang the blinds from that and spray them right in the shower.
If that won’t work, do you have a bathtub you could fill full enough to cover the blinds laid in there. Then gently swish the blinds, let them soak, gently swish again and rinse.
Maybe you could put a dowel or PVC pipe across the top of the tile in your shower/bath, to hang the blinds from until they’re dry.
A PVC Pipe Rack might be a solution for hanging blinds to dry in your tub or shower, if they can’t be hung outside.
Does anyone have any other good ideas?
Probably any good spray cleaner would do as well.
Noreen Doll

Donna says
I live in an apartment complex and have no outside clothes line so is there an easy way if you can’t hang them outside
Marie @ The Interior Frugalista says
Great idea Noreen! Is it safe to say that the Simple Green spray is a natural product that won’t kill the grass? Re: Donna’s comment above – I’m thinking hanging them over the bath tub would work in your case.
Noreen says
Hi Marie. Simple Green is an environmental product, and it didn’t kill the grass under my clothesline. It’s lush and green there – the best grass in the back yard, actually! But I think a mixture of vinegar and Dawn would work well, too. That’s a great combination for cleaning.
Stephanie says
I’ve tried the bathtub and dishsoap method, and it didn’t work. I really think you need the power from a sprayer, like a garden hose, to get grimy blinds clean. Soaking really just doesn’t seem to cut it.
Maybe one of those showerhead attachments that has the option of a jet stream? Usually referred to as a “massaging head.” My daughter has one, I should try hers and see if that works.
Erlene says
I need to do this for our blinds. I usually wipe them down, but every now and then a good thorough cleaning is needed. Thanks for the reminder.
Elizabeth says
Great post. I have never used Simple Green, but may give this a try! Although, I do hate to think of cleaning my blinds… Found you at A Stroll Thru Life. Thanks!
Marty@A Stroll Thru Life says
Oh I love this, what a fabulous idea and they look amazing. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.
Kristie says
Thanks for reminding me, I need to clean my blinds!
Pat Schwab says
I always clean my blinds in the bathtub. I use scrubbing bubbles after I rinse them. I have a shower head that can be removed for easy use.
Kim {Pinspired Home} says
Our new home has zero mini-blinds, but this tutorial would have been so helpful for our last home!
Found you at One Project At A Time. 🙂
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life says
Love this tip! Pinning…I think this is a project I need to undertake soon!
Beverly says
Great idea. I have done it out side before but not on my clothes line, not sure why I didn’t.
Thanks for sharing your idea.
Sandra says
Love this idea! I’ve been tossing the grimy ones and buying new because they’re so inexpensive. Not anymore! Simple Green is a great product also.
Audrey says
It is past time for me to clean mine. Some are really long and heavy, so I think I am just going to spread them out on the driveway to do this.
Lisa @ The Wellness Wife says
Thanks for the tip! No matter how much I dust or wipe down, I just can’t seem to get a deep clean on my blinds.
Noreen says
That should work just as well as a clothesline.
Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow says
GREAT idea ! 🙂
jen says
Just take them down and soak them in the tub full of hot water and detergent.
Donna says
I wonder how I can clean my entire house full of wooden blinds! Any ideas? Thanks.
Dee says
This is one of my most hated cleaning chores! Thanks for the tip! 🙂
Cheri says
I tool a set off once and couldn’t get them back on… at least on right! So now I just use simple green and a rag and just do them individually.. takes a lot longer but I do it in sections at a time and they are up there right!
Noreen says
Yes.. some of the older blinds aren’t meant to be taken down like that. I didn’t think there were very many like that around anymore.
Linda B says
It is not fun to clean blinds. I’ve been wiping them down inside, not sure I could hang them again.
On my vertical blinds, I can use clorox wipes … something I need to do.
Alisha @ Crafty Brooklyn Army Wife says
These are wonderful ideas!! I also dust mine with an old sock every other month. It takes a little bit longer, but, you can access each row.
Stopping by from Sew Crafty Angel’s linky party!!
Julie V. says
Thanks for the idea! I clean mine with my vacuum attachment–the brush, but this is also a great idea for every once in awhile.
debbie says
You did a great job cleaning the blinds. Usually I just buy the cheap ones and throw them out and put up new because they usually just don’t come clean. I’m gonna give Simple Green a chance. Thanks for the tip.
Lila says
I’ve always cleaned them while they’re hanging, but this sounds way easier! And they look like they get cleaner too. I think I’ll try throwing them in my bathtub. Thanks!
Handyman, Crafty Woman says
Congratulations! You’ve been featured on Wicked Awesome Wednesday! Your blind cleaning tip comes just in time for spring cleaning!! Stop by the website to pick up your “I’ve Been Featured!” button!
Kristina and Millie says
Nice! I love simple and easy and also clean! Great idea and thanks so much for linking up to Snickerdoodle Sunday!
Laura@Baking in Pyjamas says
This will come in handy, we’ve got multiple sets of blinds in our house. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!
cathy@My1929Charmer says
What a great way to wash blinds, after cleaning they do look like new! All the mess is outside! thanks for sharing at Sunday’s best, hope to see your creativeness at Sunday’s Best tomorrow.
Kristina & Millie says
OK I admit, still haven’t cleaned my blinds but this post was one of the most viewed in May @ Snickerdoodle Sunday!! Congrats 🙂
Dianne Christie says
Hi Noreen.
I live in Australia and have blinds that are Really in need a good scrub.When i brought our house I didn’t notice the blinds.I have tried so many things, non of witch did any good.
My question is what is simple green?
Hope you can help my.
Thank you
Dianne Christie.
Noreen says
Simple Green is an environmentally safe cleaner. If that’s not available for you, try something like 1/4 cup Dawn dish washing liquid in a spray bottle, and then fill the bottle with vinegar. Shake well. You could also try GENTLY scrubbing the blinds with a scrub brush after you’ve sprayed the cleaning mixture on them. Hose well to rinse. Good luck!
Allyne says
Dj says
Any ideas for cleaning the blinds while still on the Windows? Mine are too hard to.take down
Noreen says
Unfortunately I don’t. These would have been extremely difficult to clean had we not been able to easily remove them from the windows.
Brittany says
Love this idea! I think I might try soaking them in our trash cans so I can clean 2 things at one time 🙂
Hope M says
I soak my blinds in the tub with hot water. I’ve used different spray cleaners use a hand scrub brush. I just brush them on both sides. Then just drain water. Fill with clean water to rinse. Works for me. Lay them over the picnic table to dry, or if your short on space let them drain off in the tub for a while then take a bath towel and wipe off any excess water and hang back up they will finish drying.