By Noreen Doll.
A cardboard safety sheath for a knife is very handy, not only to protect the blade of the knife, but to protect your fingers from the blade.
The first time I made one was when we were going on a trip and I wanted to make sure no one was cut with the knife we needed to take along.
I also keep an old knife in my tool box, and without the sheath I have to be very careful while rummaging for a tool.
And if someone else were to reach into my tool box, they might not be expecting to find a sharp knife there. So it’s a good idea to keep the blade covered.
The materials are free, and the sheath is easy to make, so whenever I need a new one, it isn’t a problem.
Cereal or Cracker Box Cardboard
Packing Tape
How to Make a Cardboard Safety Sheath for a Knife.
1. Measure the width of the knife at the widest part. Mine is a little over 1/2 inch.
For length, the cardboard needs to be at least 1/2 inch longer than the knife blade.
2. I allowed 3/4 of an inch for each side of the knife (1 1/2 inches) plus another half inch for wrap around.
3. Starting from right to left, I allow a 1/2 inch flap to fold part way over the knife. Then I marked another 3/4 inch for the width of the knife and a little wiggle room.
You need the wiggle room to allow for the depth of the knife.
The rest of the cardboard (3/4 inch) will wrap over the knife and overlap the 1/2 inch flap. Or you can fold the flap over the top of the cardboard.
4. To score the lines for folding, lay a ruler along the score line, and use the dull side of the knife tip to gently mark the score.
5. After scoring both lines, gently fold on the score lines toward the inside of the cracker box piece.
Crease the folds very well.
6. Prepare a piece of packing tape the length of, or a little longer than, the knife sheath.
7. Fold the cardboard over the knife blade and hold the edges tightly together while you place the packing tape on it.
Wrap the tape around the sheath as many times as it takes to use up the tape.
Burnish the tape.
Cut off any tape that over hangs the ends.
Slip the knife into the sheath and it should be a pretty snug fit.
If you are going to use the sheath over and over – such as while you are traveling – be sure to wash the knife so it is thoroughly clean before replacing it in the sheath.
If you put a dirty knife in the sheath, the sheath cannot safely be reused for food.
Noreen Doll

JaneEllen says
Fantastic and safe idea, so glad I saw this. Don’t know how many times have reached into drawer and came out with bleeding hand. Not fun and messy. Such an easy thing to make also. I always save our cereal boxes, they come in handy for many uses. Happy weekend Pinned
Sandy says
Thirty-five or more years ago I made knife sheaths out of file folder cardboard so that they’d be safe to take when we went camping. I still have both the knives and sheaths! I didn’t do any measuring or scoring. I just folded the cardboard over on one side and then on the other before gluing it together (with Elmer’s, I think). I just looked at them. File folders were thicker cardboard than those you can buy today!
Noreen says
Everything was thicker 35 years ago. 3×5 file cards are so thin now, they’re almost paper.
Cathy says
What a great tip for keeping those knives under wrap – thank you for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy
Lisa says
I keep my knives in sheaths in the drawer for the same reason you do in your toolbox. Not only does it protect your fingers; it also keeps the knife sharper longer since it’s not bumping into other things in the drawer.
Lou Lou Girls says
Thanks for sharing this! Pinned. Lou Lou Girls
Coombemill says
Nothing like a good simple yet practical idea. Popping by from Creative Monday
Kristina and Millie says
great idea -simple, cheap and can save fingers! Thanks for sharing with us 🙂