Make your own quick and easy DIY Paper Towel Face Mask. Disclaimer: I have no medical credentials and this is not medical advice. This is merely an idea for making your own face masks. Please use your own judgement when making or wearing this face mask. These are strange and unsettling times - something most of us have never before experienced. We all want to keep … [Read more...] about DIY Paper Towel Face Mask
household tips
Bug Scoop for the Squeamish!
Dead or alive! by Noreen Doll. Make an easy bug scoop with a cardboard tube. Anyone who has spent much time around kids is aware that there are some who really, really don't want to handle bugs. (There are even a few adults like that.) I recently came up with an idea for picking up a bug - dead or alive - without actually having to touch it. All you … [Read more...] about Bug Scoop for the Squeamish!